January is traditionally a time of year to get organized, cut the clutter, clear the junk drawers, and make plans for the year ahead. I’m all for tackling to-do lists, but not at the expense of actually enjoying the ease and extra time they are supposed to create. In my last blog, I mentioned that restoring your spirit and your home needn’t be mutually exclusive.
I often hear friends and customers talk about their struggles to find work/life balance. I think this is what happens when we move through our lives in a rush of work, social media, instant messages from three different apps, multiple schedules, and simply making the whole business of work, family, and life, compatible!
For most of us, what we really desire is a work-life flow.
So, if like me, you’ve met the new-year-organizing-challenge and won, now is the time to unplug the apps and devices (unless it’s a new book on your kindle) and s-l-o-w d-o-w-n. We’re going for flow here, and I have a story about how I found it.
When we moved into our farm house last year, our KIVIK couch/chaise combo was too big for the living room. It sat there for a few months, taking up space, literally staring at me awkwardly every time I passed it.
I loved the chaise, but my living room did not. One day, I reconnected with my long-held desire to have a chaise in my bedroom. Looking around the room, I thought, What if I could move that chaise into the corner by the window ... I had Nick take the KIVIK combo apart, move the chaise into our master bedroom and voila! My cozy, private nook was born!
Inspiration struck, and I added a delicious rug, a cute side table for tea and other treats, and some new toss pillows to my corner, because who doesn’t love new toss pillows?
Each afternoon, after I’ve finished home schooling the kids and sent them off to play, I spend a bit of time curled up with a cup of peppermint tea and one of the books on my endless reading list, which currently includes “The Backyard Beekeeper" by Kim Flottum, “DIY Garden Projects” by The Little Veggie Patch Co. and Anna Kendrick’s “Scrappy Little Nobody.” No more teetering piles of books and magazines on my night stand - they now go in my cozy nook!
The other positive I’ve found in designating a relaxing space just for me is that out of sight, out of mind, is absolutely true! My kiddos don’t disturb me nearly as much when I’m away from the family living room. I’m successfully reading, resting and restoring myself for the evening ahead.
If you’d like to create your own private nook, the new ModerNash website has a full range of modular IKEA sofas ready to click and shop. These sofas convert to a chaise, a two seater couch and a sleeper bed in seconds, so you can switch up your living, guest, or bedrooms in a snap.
You can have one of our personal IKEA shoppers select any IKEA product, including the throw rugs and pillows, and have everything delivered to your front door! We can even assemble the furniture so all you have to do is grab a book and a treat, then relax and go with the flow.
See you next month when we'll celebrate Valentine’s Day with more easy bedroom upgrades!
Last blog "The Three Rules Of January - Restore, Refresh, Revive."